Personal statement



As an experienced College Management Information Systems professional my analytical, technical and problem solving abilities support organisations to achieve their goals. My experience of managing teams, implementing new systems and analysis of complex information for management at all levels has been invaluable for strategic decision making. I am looking for an interim position where these characteristics can be used to maximum effect.
Key Skills

·         Excellent knowledge of ProAchieve, SCORE, PDSATs, FIS and other sector software

·         Audit, ILR, Funding, and Curriculum Planning

·         Staff mentoring, training and support

·         Proven management skills

·         Ability to adapt communication styles for all levels of management and experience

·         Up-to-date knowledge of ESFA funding rules and methodologies

·         Ability to extract, and report on, management information from a wide variety of sources

·         Experience of a wide range of MIS systems (REMS,EBS, ProSolution, QLS)

Key Achievements

·         Preparation and management of five successful unqualified ESFA Funding Audits

·         Successful implementation of a process for tracking of predicted achievement, which resulting in improved early warning of areas at risk of under achievement

·         Successful implementation of an on-line applications system which resulted in a reduction in support staff costs, whilst maintaining levels of applications

·         Supporting Colleges through Ofsted inspections with the provision of key management information


MIS Consultant, Hadlow College (In Administration)                                February 2019 to August 2021

Capita UNIT-e / PICs / Unit4 QLS

·         Completion of ILR returns across three MIS systems and multiple sites

·         Production of frequent datasets to support the lead administrator (BDO)

·         Provision of Funding Advice for all funding streans

·         Regular auditing of College data through PDSATS / SCORE

·         Support and mentoring for the head of MIS



ESFA Funding Assurance Review Support, East Sussex College Group         August 2019 to October 2019

Tribal EBS / ProSolution

·         Supporting the College through the whole audit process (including initial planning, training and development of staff, preparation and evidence gathering)

·         Liaising with the audit team lead

·         Gathering appropriate evidence to satisfy all requests and queries throughout the audit

·         Supporting the College in a post-audit action plan



Interim Head of Planning & Information, MidKent College                             April 2016 to June 2019

Civica REMS / ProSolution

·         Successful implementation of a process for tracking of predicted achievement, which resulting in improved early warning of areas at risk of under achievement

·         Part of a small team that successfully implemented ProSolution (Admissions, enrolment & exams)

·         Production of data for Ofsted inspection, and liaising with the Oftsed lead inspector in relation to its interpretation. The College received a ‘Good’ grade in November 2018

·         Part of a small team that supported the College through a successful full ESFA audit, resulting in just a £250 over-claim



Management Information Consultant, Canterbury College                  October 2014 to March 2016

Civica REMS

·         Improved timeliness and accuracy of ILR returns – The College received a clear DSAT review letter from the Skills Funding Agency following the R14 return

·         Supporting the implementation of REMS within a large College with the introduction of applications (both standard and web based), Curriculum Planning, and Timetables & Registers

·         Successful implementation of an on-line applications system


Interim Head of MIS, John Ruskin Sixth Form College                        November 2014 to May 2015

Capita Unit-E

·         Leading the MIS, Exams and Reporting teams

·         College wide implementation of ProAchieve, resulting in improved in year monitoring of retention and achievement


Management Information Consultant, Richmond Adult College           February 2014 to October 2014

Civica REMS

·         Leading the MIS team with responsibility for ILR, Funding, Curriculum Planning, Timetabling, Registers and Examinations

·         Improved awareness of funding and data compliance issues, resulting in improved achievement rates, and the removal of un-accredited provision

·         Creation of a post Ofsted action plan for MIS and contribution to the whole College Ofsted improvement plan


Management Information Consultant, Young Epilepsy                         January 2013 to January 2014

DataBridge MIS

·         MIS Information and Audit lead for the College

·         Working as part of the College Leadership team with responsibility for a number of process improvement initiatives and the monitoring and reporting of qualitative information for monitoring targets. This has resulted in improved availability and use of information by managers throughout the College, which has in turn improved outcomes for learners


Management Information Consultant, Sussex Coast College               April 2012 to December 2012


·         Project lead for successful Skills Funding Agency Audit

·         Preparation of MIS data for a successful Ofsted re-inspection Monitoring visit


Management Information Consultant, Brooklands Technical College  December 2011 to April 2012

Unit4 QLS

·         Leading the Information Services team, covering all aspects of MIS including ILR Returns (LR & ER), registers, timetables and examinations

·         Project management and implementation of electronic web based registers with UNIT4 QL and CELCAT


Management Information Consultant, City College Brighton & Hove  February 2011 to January 2012

Tribal EBS

·         Project lead for the planning, implementation of electronic web based registers through UNIT-e. This project also included the training of staff, creation of policies and procedures, and working with developers to produce a suite of reports to show register completion statistics

·         Management of a large Management Information team, covering all aspects of MIS including ILR Returns (LR & ER), enrolments, registers, timetables, and examinations

·         Successful unqualified outcome from Skills Funding Agency funding audit


Management Information Consultant, Tyne Metropolitan College   September 2010 to January 2011

Tribal EBS

·         Lead role in supporting the College through an SFA funding audit resulting in a much improved audit result for the College

·         Working with the Senior Management Team to improve existing systems and processes to provide a more user focused and accurate Management Information Service


Head of Management Information Services, East Surrey College      September 2008 to August 2010

Tribal EBS
Delivery of accurate and responsive reporting to support the College through their Ofsted inspection, resulting in the achievement of an improved Ofsted rating
Member of the College Senior Management Team – Key member on strategic planning and development, and leading on areas such as EFA & SFA negotiations and strategic monitoring
Chichester College                                                                                  November 1989 to August 2008
Information Services Manager                                                                                             1999 – 2008

Deputy Information Manager                                                                                               1995 – 1999
Computer Support Technician                                                                                              1992 – 1995

Computer Based Training Developer                                                                                   1989 – 1992







University of Hertfordshire 1993 – 1995
BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business Information Technology


Chichester College

BTEC Higher National Certificate Business Information Technology

BTEC Ordinary National Diploma Computing




Address:                      Sussex Cottage, The Limes, Felbridge. RH19 2QY


Mobile:                        07828 033494




LinkedIn Profile:


Driving licence:          Full UK


DBS Check:                 Enhanced



Peter ***** CV

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