Advertising Options
The trusted recruitment partner for the education community
Job listings
Our standard online options consist of a standard or premium listing. Our premium listings can be upgraded to further the reach of your job advert. Our Featured Job of the Week slot is the best option for maximum online exposure.
Standard Listing
Our lowest cost option for advertising on a tight budget.
- Text, logo and attachments.
- Applications can go straight to your inbox, or candidates can be redirected to your website
£175 Up to 30 days listing (+VAT)
Buy nowPremium Listing
Reach a wider audience with the Premium Listing, and attract higher engagement and applications for your role.
- Text, logo and attachments
- Premium online positioning
- Your role will be displayed as a Top Job in candidate search results.
- Applications can go straight to your inbox, or candidates can be redirected to your website.
- Highlighted via our weekly jobs email sent out each Thursday
£395 Up to 30 days listing (+VAT)
Buy nowFeatured Job of the Week
Our highest exposure online option. Featured Job of the Week is an exclusive position, available for only one role per week
- GIF animated Banner advert at the top of the weekly jobs email
- Featured Job of the Week is an exclusive position, available for only one role per week
- GIF animated Banner advert at the top of the weekly jobs email sent out each Thursday
- GIF animated Button advert on
- GIF animated Skyscraper advert on
- Artwork design included
- Promoted via X, Facebook and Linkedin
£945 Up to 30 days listing (+VAT)
Buy nowUpgrades
Education Week Jobs offers advertisers the option to upgrade Premium Listings through various features, including Social Boosts, Featured Boosts, and Premium Boosts. Social Boosts increase the visibility of the job posting through our social media channels, while Premium Boosts provide exposure on either Schools Week or FE Week. These upgrades can help attract top candidates and increase the likelihood of finding the right fit for the advertised position.
Social boost
Boost your roles exposure across our social media platforms
- 1 x Tweet via @EduWeekJobs and @SchoolsWeek or @FEWeek
- 1 x Facebook Post via Schools Week
- 1 x Linkedin Post via Education Week Jobs and Schools Week or FE Week
£110 Available as an upgrade on a Premium Listing (+VAT)
Featured boost
The Featured Boost button features across either Schools Week or FE Week website.
- GIF animated Button advert
- Artwork design included
£225 Available as an upgrade on a Premium Listing. Per week (+VAT)
Premium Boost
Our Premium Listing offers exclusive positioning for maximum exposure
- Appears at the top of all listings
- Article Boost
- Artwork design included
- includes Social Boost
- Appears at the top of weekly jobs email
£199 Available as an upgrade on a Premium Listing. Per week (+VAT)
Schools Week Adverts
Book an advert in the classified section of Schools Week, a premium news source for breaking news within the schools and education sector. Read by over 15,000 educational professionals every Friday (term-time only) Schools Week is perfectly positioned to engage with passive job seekers and high-quality candidates. Adverts are hyperlinked, to enable readers to click straight through to apply for your vacancy..
Quarter page
- Premium Listing included
- Full colour advert in Schools Week
- Artwork design included
£500 (+VAT)
Half page
- Full colour advert in Schools Week
- Premium Listing included
- Exposure in the ‘Premium Job Opportunities’ section on Page 2
- Artwork design included
£750 (+VAT)
Full page
- Full colour advert in Schools Week
- Premium Listing included
- Exposure in the ‘Premium Job Opportunities’ section on Page 2
- Artwork design included
£995 (+VAT)
FE Week Adverts
Book an advert in the classified section of FE Week, a premium news source for breaking news within the further education, skills and apprenticeship sector. Read by over 10,000 educational professionals every Friday (term-time only) FE Week is perfectly positioned to engage with passive job seekers and high-quality candidates. Adverts are hyperlinked, to enable readers to click straight through to apply for your vacancy.
Quarter page
- Premium Listing included
- Full colour advert in FE Week
- Artwork design included
£950 (+VAT)
Half page
- Premium Listing included
- Full colour advert in FE Week
- Exposure in the ‘Premium Job Opportunities’ section on Page 2
- Artwork design included
£1750 (+VAT)
Full page
- Premium Listing included
- Full colour advert in FE Week
- Featured Listing included
- Exposure in the ‘Premium Job Opportunities’ section on Page 2
- Artwork design included
£3000 (+VAT)
Annual Packages
Our annual package is a convenient and cost-effective way to manage your recruitment advertising needs. By selecting this package, you can ensure that all of your vacancies, including leadership roles, are covered without having to worry about the individual cost of each listing. In addition to the annual package, we also offer special packages for schools and multi-academy trusts, tailored to meet their unique requirements. With Education Week Jobs, you can streamline recruitment and reach top talent across education.
- Unlimited Standard Listings
- 25% discount on job adverts in Schools Week
- 5 x Social Boost Credits
- 25% discount on additional upgrades
£3000 Rates excl. VAT
- Unlimited Standard Listings
- 3 x Half page adverts
- 50% discount on job adverts in Schools Week
- 5 x Social Boost Credits for Job Roles
- 25% discount on additional upgrades
£4200 Rates excl. VAT
- Unlimited Standard Listings
- 5 x Full Page Adverts
- 50% discount on job adverts in Schools Week
- 5 x Social Boost Credits for Job Roles
- 5 x Social Boost Credits to promote all current opportunities
- 2 x Featured Boost credits
- 25% discount on additional boost credits
£6000 Rates excl. VAT
Rates per school/college/organisation. Group/MAT rates available on request
FE and Skills Organisations
- Unlimited Standard Listings
- 25% discount on job adverts in FE Week
- 5 x Social Boost Credits
- 25% discount on additional upgrades
£5000 Price per annum (+ VAT)
- Unlimited Standard Listings
- 3 x Half page adverts
- 50% discount on job adverts in FE Week
- 5 x Social Boost Credits for Job Roles
- 25% discount on additional upgrades
£6750 Price per annum (+ VAT)
- Unlimited Standard Listings
- 5 x Full Page Adverts
- 5 x Premium Listing upgrades
- 50% discount on job adverts in FE Week
- 5 x Social Boost Credits for Job Roles
- 5 x Social Boost Credits to promote all current opportunities
- 2 x Featured Boost credits
- 25% discount on additional boost credits
£9000 Price per annum (+ VAT)
Rates per school/college/organisation. Group/MAT rates available on request
Media pack for Schools
Media pack for FE & Skills
Speak to us about a package
- AELP Members
- BESA Members
- HOLEX Members
- Schools Week and FE Week subscribers
If your organisation is eligible for any of the above discounts, please make your booking via a member of our team by contacting us directly.